Compounding Unequal Distribution

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Elon Musk, at the peak of his wealth, was worth approximately $360 Billion ($360,000,000,000). Most people don’t really understand how much money that is. So to put it in perspective, let’s equate dollars to days. 

If $1 million ($1,000,000) equaled 1 day, $360 Billion ($360,000,000,000) would equal 360,000 days, which would equal 986 years. That means, if you were able to earn and keep $1 million every day, it would take you 986 years to amass the fortune that Elon Musk controlled. It is certifiably insane that any one individual is able to control this level of wealth/resources, especially when you consider the state of the world.

But the story gets a little more complicated, because in the time that it would take you to earn $360 Billion (986 years) by earning $1 million per day, Elon can invest his money and grow it. And even with a conservative investment that simply tracks the supposed average inflation, which we will assume to be 3.5%, after 986 years, Elon (who is by this time a Cyborg who lives forever) will be worth this number of dollars:


That is roughly 193 Septillion Dollars!

However! Because of the financial mismanagement by the US government, and the hyperinflation that it has produced, a dozen eggs in 986 years will cost you $200 Septillion. Sorry Elon!